Undebt: Examples

The undebt.examples package contains various example pattern files. These example patterns can either simply be used as they are to make use of the transformation they describe, or used as templates to build your own pattern files.



A toy example to add a new line ("\n") to the end of files that lack one.

Example of:

  • use of the tokens_as_list decorator to define a replace function with assert checks
  • negative lookahead using the ~ operator
  • match any character with ANY_CHAR
  • match the end of a file with END_OF_FILE



Changes all ''' strings that can be changed to """ strings.

Example of:

  • return None from replace to do nothing
  • match a ''' string using TRIPLE_SGL_QUOTE_STRING



Changes classes that inherit from nothing to inherit from object, which makes sure they behave as Python 3 new-style classes instead of Python 2 old-style classes.

Example of:

  • Optional to optionally match something
  • .suppress method to prevent an object from appearing in the parsed tokens
  • Keyword to match an individual word
  • INDENT to match the beginning of a line and any leading whitespace
  • NAME to match any variable name



Replaces hex flags with bitshift flags.

Example of:

  • Literal to match a specific literal
  • Combine to match a series of tokens without any whitespace in-between
  • Word to match a word made up of a set of characters



Changes instances of the Python 2 style exec code in globals, locals exec statement to the universal Python style exec(code, globals, locals) (which will work on Python 2.7 and Python 3).

Example of:

  • using tokens_as_list to assert multiple possible token list lengths
  • ATOM to match a Python atom



Transforms uses of .attribute into calls to function, and adds from function_lives_here import function whenever an instance of function is added.

Example of:

  • use of extra to add an import statement
  • multiple possible patterns using the | operator
  • ZeroOrMore to match any number of a pattern
  • PARENS, BRACKETS to match anything inside matching parentheses and brackets
  • ATOM_BASE to match a trailerless Python atom



Slightly more complicated version of attribute_to_function that finds a method call instead of an attribute access, and makes sure that method call is not on self.



Transforms inefficient SQL alchemy .count() queries into more efficient .scalar() queries that don’t create a sub query.

Example of:

  • use of the tokens_as_dict decorator to define a replace function with assert checks
  • grammar element function calling to label tokens in the resulting tokens_as_dict dictionary
  • using leading_whitespace and trailing_whitespace to extract whitespace in a replace function



Removes from function_lives_here import function if function does not appear anywhere else in the file.

Example of:

  • using a multi-argument replace function
  • using HEADER to analyze the header of a Python file



Transforms uses of contextlib.nested into multiple clauses in a with statement. Respects usage with as and without as.

Example of:

  • using tokens_as_dict to assert multiple possible dictionary keys
  • EXPR to match a Python expression
  • COMMA_IND, LPAREN_IND, IND_RPAREN to match optional indentation at particular points



In files where from __future__ import unicode_literals appears, removes unnecessary u before strings.

Example of:

  • an advanced style pattern file making use of multi-pass parsing
  • using in_string to determine if the match location is inside of a string
  • originalTextFor to make grammar elements parse to the original text that matched them
  • STRING to match any valid string



Transforms uses of if let where from Swift 2.2 to the updated syntax in Swift 3.0.

Example of:

  • using Undebt to transform a language that isn’t Python

Note: It’s possible that the `EXPR` grammar element used won’t match all Swift expressions; if you are concerned about this, you should define a custom `EXPR` corresponding to the syntax of a Swift expression.