Undebt: Using pyparsing

While Undebt’s parsing utilities are very helpful and provide much of the necessary functionality for writing a grammar, all of the objects are pyparsing objects, and thus it is often necessary and/or useful to use pyparsing utilities.

While the official pyparsing documentation is a great resource, most of the more advanced utilities there will usually not be necessary. This documentation is an overview of those that are most likely to be useful.


+ (And)

Adding two grammar elements produces a new grammar element that matches the first one, then the second one, with optional intervening whitespace.

| (Or)

Oring two grammar elements produces a new grammar element that attempts to match the first one, then if that fails, attempts to match the second one.

~ (Negative Lookahead)

Inverting a grammar element produces a new grammar element that produces no tokens and matches only if the inverted grammar doesn’t match. Using a negative lookahead also doesn’t advance the current parsing position.

^ (Match Longest)

Similar to |, but matches the longest of the grammar elements that match, instead of the first grammar element that matches.



Creates a grammar element that matches str exactly.


Creates a grammar element that matches str only if it is surrounded by non-letters.


Creates a grammar element that matches zero or one of the contained grammar element.


Creates a grammar element that matches zero or more of the contained grammar element.


Creates a grammar element that matches one or more of the contained grammar element.


Modifies a grammar element to produce only a single token that is the original text that was matched by that grammar element.


Creates a grammar element that matches a word made of characters in charset.


Skips parsing position to the next match for the contained objects.


Forces any grammar elements added together inside of Combine to not match intervening whitespace and produce only a single token.


Creates a grammar element that matches str as a regular expression.